Making loans for home improvement is acceptable, and in order for you to borrow cash from the bank for this, you will have to have a plan worked out and show them how much you need and what exactly it will be used for. To re-decorate your house a little, or maybe renovate here and there, you will have many options available to you and your kitchen and bathroom would look great with a makeover. Banks are always willing to give out loans, providing that you are stable enough to receive them and will be able to pay them back in time.
You could turn to most banks when you are interested in making loans for home improvement. You just have to look at the rates that they charge and determine which of them will be more reasonable to work with. To borrow cash, you will have to provide the bank with documents and details so that they can do research and decide whether you are eligible for the loan or not. You can renovate your bathroom as well as the kitchen when you take out a loan, and you could maybe even save some cash to re-decorate other areas of your house too.
The options you have will depend on how much money you can loan and also what your plans for the house are. Go to a few different banks and ask them what their interest rates are before you settle with something, as one bank might be more reasonable and offer more affordable prices than another bank, so you would want to look at all your options before you make a decision. Many people make loans for home improvement; they might be fixing up their house to sell it or it might just be that they want some change, either way, these loans enable you to re-do your home the way you want.