To know your financial credit rating is the way to go, as that way you know that there is nothing negative on your name or if there is at least you will know about it. If you are a slow payer or black listed they will see you as a bad risk and will more than likely be difficult on you. Then, when you want to apply for loan they will look at your financial history and decline your application or they will approve it but leave you with a hefty interest rate on the loan. This is why you should always do what you can to stay out of the bad books when it comes to paying off debts.
Not many places offer you a free report, and in most cases, lets say you are applying to rent a house, the agent will ask you to pay the fee so that they can conduct the search on you and therefore you will know your financial credit rating. To apply for loan they will also use your identity number to look up your financial history and they will make their decision from the report they get. Being a slow payer or being black listed might not mean that you won’t get the credit you need, it might just mean that you will be paying back more than most people have to and this is because they will see you as a bad risk due to your history.
Many people are on the look out to get a free report done, so that they know where they stand with the credit world, but this is not very often available. These reports are quite expensive to conduct, so you will more than likely be asked to pay for the check. When you know your financial credit rating you will be able to go through life knowing that you have a clean financial record, or a not-so-clean one.