To check blacklisted people is quite an easy procedure and many loan companies as well as stores that offer accounts and banks make use of this service on a daily basis. Having a poor financial history doesn’t necessarily mean that you are black listed, but it may mean that it will be difficult for you to apply for personal loans, house bonds, car finance, store accounts ,etc. Companies will carry out credit checks to see if you have debt and whether you are a good payer or a bad one and this will help them in their decision to do business with you or not.
In order for you to check blacklisted people, you have to have the program that is used and this is not always easy to obtain. There is no way you can get around this either, if you have a poor financial history, the people doing the credit checks will pick it up and there is nothing you can do about it. No matter which company you use to apply for personal loans, they will not approve your application if you are blacklisted, unless you go to a lending company who deals specifically with black listed loans. Getting car finance when you have bad credit is another story, it won’t happen.
You can forget about applying for house bonds if you are on the banks blacklist, whether you have long lists of debt or your debt is just from ones source, it doesn’t matter. The way they do it is they put your identity number into the program and it brings up lists of information on you, but it always depends on which program they are using because some programs are more advanced than others.